Friday, 10 April 2009

Esther Speaks

This is a blog for all those who carry the memory and indomitable spirit of our illustrious foremothers and forefathers and have determined that they shall never forget but who also are equally committed to building a brighter future for our children and our children's children.


  1. Greetings

    Welcome to my blog which is a way of me keeping in touch as well as sharing with you some of the issues and subjects which are closest to my heart.

    Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in further dialogue.

    It really is good to talk because through talking we can learn and through learning we can teach and through teaching we can inspire others and through inspiring others we can do our bit to change our world.

    Stay Focused and Concious, A mind is a terrible thing to Waste!!!


    “Thought without practice is empty, practice without thought is blind”
    Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah

    Your Sister in Service
    Esther Stanford-Xosei
    aka Sis Ekua

  2. What a wonderful blog!

    I found it because it seems that we are the only two people on blogger that have listed the Tao of Relationships as a favourite book.

    I am now following you, and look forward to receiving updates as you post.

    My first blog, The Spiral, is my poetry. My second blog The New One is my place for writing: I try out various voices, and "play" with writing articles. Nothing to be taken seriously. the third, called Word Feat, is where I collect poems from others that have touched me.

    Greetings in Consciousness and Sisterhood.
